Contact Information

Contact Information

Do not hesitate to call in for all questions concerning our professional sales service, repairs and maintenance for your trucks and trailers.


Centre du Camion Mont-Laurier 2009
630, boul. des Ruisseaux
Mont-Laurier (QC)
J9L 0H6
819-623-3433 (toll free 866-623-3433)

TOWING 24 HRES: (819) 623-1766

Administration : Serge Brisebois : 819-440-8282 ext 228
Vente : Pascal Larivière : 819-440-5335 ext 227
Parts: Brandon Malette : 819-623-3433 ext 229
Service : Bryan Beauchamp : 819-436-0581
Financing: Fred Lapointe : 819-440-9294 ext 222
CIC (Continuous Improvement Coordinator) :
Bruno Villeneuve 819-623-3433 ext 223
Human Resources : Marie Desmarais : 819-660-2646
Responsible for personal data protection :
Michel Gagnon  819-623-3433 ext 241

Business Hours
Monday to Friday : 7 h 30 à 17 h 30
Saturday: 8 h 00 à 12 h 00

Contact Form

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